Why Your Business Needs Snapchat

Like it or not, Snapchat is THE social media platform to be on right now thanks to our obsession with fun filters. Who knew looking like a puppy or having a flower wreath on my head would be so popular? Many companies are now adding SnapChat to their long list of social media channels to follow. Now is the time for your business to take advantage of this growing platform, especially if you are targeting Millennials and Generation Z.

If Snapchat sort of scares you as a marketer, you’re not alone, but know that it is the fastest growing social media network in the history of social media networks. 63 percent of its more than 100,000 daily active users, are between the ages of 13-to-34 and a driving force behind the mobile revolution.

So if you’re reading this wondering “How can I use this for my company?”, below are a few ways to integrate the social network into your IMC campaign according to Social Media Week:

  1. Flash Sales: Snapchat is used as an “in the moment” communication, so it can be a great tool if you are having a spur of the moment sale. If your follower base is small, consider sending it directly to all your fans – but be aware this may come across as too spammy. Judge your audience and when in doubt, try with a small group first. Another thing to consider is giving your Snapchat audience an incentive for following you, such as a special discount. This will help you build your audience and create that brand loyalty.
  2. Events: Get buzz around your event with an On-Demand Geo-Filter. You can learn how to easily create one here. Be sure to advertise with signage at the event that you have a geo-filter available! You pay not by the use, but by the coverage area and days – so make the most of it.While snaps technically disappear after being viewed, every savvy Snapchat user knows how to save the original photo to the camera roll or screen capture a snap from a friend. This allows the original geo-filter to show up in other social media platforms if shared.
  3. Behind the Scenes: One of the most endearing features of Snapchat is the feeling of authenticity. Videos and photos are gone quickly so there is no need to make it your most polished product. Show your audience what your day looks like – if you are a baker, show them a few seconds of your morning process. If you are a dog walker, share the pups you are walking.If you are a maker, show us just how hard that specific piece was to make. The best place to share these are in My Story – and keep them coming. Try to share daily, but if you can share at least three times a week, that’s a great start.
  4. Feedback and Pop-Quizzes: The makers of the world are the best I’ve seen at this. A video on My Story that asks “What am I making today?” is always intriguing. Again this using Snapchat’s “in the moment” channel to connect with your audience. The platform encourages the viewer to swipe to chat, so be responsive if you are getting engagement! With the on-screen drawing tools you can ask people questions and ask them to chat you their response. Be sure to share those results after the fact!
  5. Product Demos: If your business has tangible products, you can give followers an up-close and personal demonstration of products, and reveal any unknown facts or interesting stories that the public may not know about. Consider it a private tour of your business and products, and explain in your Snaps (videos preferred) the backstory to a feature, idea, or inspiration you had.You can also use Snapchat for troubleshooting. Perhaps there is a way for you to take the FAQ section of your website, or any commonly asked inquiry you get from customers, and address those in a video. At the end of the day, you’re providing value and possibly entertainment as well.
  6. Collaborate with nearby businesses: If you’re located near other small business, ask them if they’d like to be featured on your Snapchat channel. You could ask for them to promote themselves and your Snapchat account via their owned channels as a way for both businesses to gain exposure. Think of it like two YouTube stars who appear in each others’ videos. It’s another way to introduce your brand to a new audience, and in turn, gain new followers and eyeballs.

The biggest takeaway is to have fun with it. Snapchat doesn’t offer the super produced video and images, but that’s part of the appeal. It’s more of a real look into your company or brand. Its strength lies in creating fun moments for your audience and raising your brand awareness. Today, it really cannot be measured by typical marketing measurements such as impressions, mentions, click-throughs (there is NO click-through ability), net-new-leads, and so on. However, it can be used to measure a new marketing metric: engagement with your brand.


2 thoughts on “Why Your Business Needs Snapchat

  1. hannahbakeryoung says:

    Great post! Your second point about events made me think about how Donald Trump launched a Snapchat filter just before the last debate. The filter said, “Donald J. Trump vs. Crooked Hillary” at the top. Hillary supporters were not pleased with the filter for obvious reasons, but it was a good tactic for the Trump campaign. The purpose was to reach millennial voters. As you said, Snapchat can be such a great tool to use to reach millennials and Generation Z. It seems that companies and organizations that don’t take advantage of the platform are missing out a significant way to reach a large audience.


  2. Stephana West says:

    I was surprised to learn about the “aging” of Snapchat users. It started off as such a young users channel. Snapchat users from 25 to 34 increased by 103% and users over 34 increased by 84% (Mediakix, 2016). That means that more brands need to add Snapchat to their social media marketing plans, now that a bigger age-range of consumers have adopted the platform.
    On the office Facebook page, I’ve noticed that as parents moved onto Facebook, their children left Facebook. Do you think the same thing will happen with Snapchat?

    Mediakix. (2016, June 2). How Snapchat demographics are surprisingly shifting in 2016. MediaKix Blog. Retrieved from http://mediakix.com/2016/06/snapchat-demographics-infographic-statistics/#gs.FK=gMNM


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